Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ronnie Radke.

Ronnie Radke- former lead singer of Escape The Fate.

Personally I think he is so much better than the new guy. I don't even know the new guys name. Boo him. Anyway Ronnie has been in jail for assault and major bodily harm. He called his ex-friends girlfriend a crack whore and the guy wanted to fight so Ronnie brought his friend who ended up shooting one guy and really hurting another guy and Ronnie went to jail. I dont really understand it but Yeah. That's how it went down. So sad tha he's not in Escape the Fate anymore. I loved Situations. OMG that song is amazing! And seriously is he not the most beautiful man you have ever seen? I love the whole scene kid look! :)


  1. the ex-singer of blessthefall replaced him. ronnie is now ine falling in reverse. you can still love hie voice

  2. I completely agree, Ronnie kick's Craig's ass. And yes! Ronnie has Falling in Reverse! They're great :DD
