Saturday, June 12, 2010

Movie Night 2.

Sex and the City.

Now that was a very good movie. That is how I want my life to unfold. Except being left at the alter, that would just freaking suck. But seriously I hope to have those friends that are always there and those clothes. OhMyGod, I would die if I had Carries Closet. I hope I don't turn out like Samantha, that would suck, maybe Charolette. That would be fun, but with a husband who isn't bald..

Sex and the City 2.

Not as good as the first one but still pretty good. I thought it was dragged out too much but it was still a good movie. Probably my favorite part was when Carrie walked into her closet and it was huge. That would be my favorite part. Oh, and the part with Aiden, that was super cute, and super sad, and he was pretty hot for being kinda old.

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